Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Niece

Jon and I have a new a niece! More importantly, I suppose, is that my brother and sister-in-law have added a daughter to their brood, and their son Alec has a new baby sister. Chris and Deb have been prepping Alec for the birth of baby sister for some time now. When Grandpa Ed was putting Alec to bed Wednesday night, he told Alec that Mommy wouldn't be tucking him in because she was at work. Two year old Alec looked at Grandpa Ed and retorted, "Mommy isn't at work. She is at the hospital picking up baby sister!" There you have it--can't even fool at two year old.

Keira Skye Kerr Martin
May 23, 2007
6:09 pm

Click here for more photos.

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