Saturday, July 05, 2008

Random Shots Around the Ranch

Our little homesite on the ranch property.

The wash station, where we do dishes and laundry by hand. The flagstone "patio" was built with rocks collected around the property. The enameled washbasin and tin bucket were found inside the little house, plastic bucket and hose are circa 2008. We recently had almost 400 feet of plumbing run from the well and pump over to the area of the little house (after Jon spent three days excavating a six foot deep trench). We have a relatively unlimited supply of fresh water.

The yard hydrant and well above ground; the pump house is under the big metal cover that Jon built.


Anonymous said...

Seems kind of fun in an adventure sort of way. Yeah?

goodgreekgirl said...

looks awesome & can't wait to visit! and i'm certain there's got to be a laundry line hanging out somewhere! xoxo

me said...

It looks amazing. How is Red Rover Gus by the way?