Monday, April 16, 2007

Windy Day

I'm glad my race was yesterday! We've got wind in Raleigh today, after the 2-5" inches of rain yesterday. Trees are being uprooted all over our area. Check these out. I watched the tree fall on the first house, then watched the tree fall over the street about a minute later.

We just met the folks that built this house, it doesn't look like the tree did much damage. We'll keep our fingers crossed that nothing was seriously damaged.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! yikes, looks very scary! Les:)

Kate said...

Jon, do you think we jinxed them?

Liz Dwyer said...

Wow, those must have been some VERY powerful winds. It's been windy out here in LA as well, but not like that.

Jon said...

The winds were gusting 40 to 50 mph, but it was 3 inches of rain the day before that really made it a problem. The root systems were in trouble with that much water, and wind.

Anonymous said...

Dear lord...Travis lives in a mansion. What the what the?